Little Fish
Bible Activity Plans @ Home
A Faith Filled
Kid Kit for the
Summer is here! Although here in South Florida it has felt like summer since February! Well, it’s that time of the year when we need to figure out what to do with the kiddos. It’s an opportunity for us as parents to spend time with our kids while being intentional – paving the way for them to get to know and trust Jesus. After all, you could say you only have 18 summers to create lasting memories and experiences with them at home. Don’t waste that precious time!
“Each day of our lives we make deposits
in the memory banks of our children”
- Chuck Swindoll –
The Untrendy Parent Club is here to help you do something different and meaningful with the kiddos! We’ve put together our Little Fish: Activity Plans @ Home so you can save time, forget about planning and just relax. All the pre-planning has already been done and you just need to follow our simple guides with step-by-step instructions, which include: fun and learning activities, crafts, indoor and outdoor games, yummy recipes, and more.
The Little Fish: Activity Plans @ Home feature 2 different easy to follow guides with activity modules for kids 2 to 5-years old. Get ready to disciple your kids with age-appropriate fun activities and let the Gospel come alive!
Short Bible stories with age-appropriate lessons that are interactive for keeping toddlers engaged
Craft projects that include supply prep list and several printable templates
Wholesome options to choose between store bought or homemade (with ingredients list and recipe instructions)
Carefully planned games and activities complete with printable templates and detailed directions